“Being surrounded by such a dynamic and inspired community of diverse farmers, each sharing their own approach of Judaism, agroecology, and everything in between, was a truly precious experience. You have created an exceptionally inclusive and kind space for farmers to share, think together, feel together. I didn't run into a single participant who wasn't thrilled beyond measure to be present"
- Cultivating Culture 2020 participant
It's been four years since our last gathering and we can't wait to see you!
This event will convene 120 Jewish farmers for a weekend of learning and community building at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, CT. The kitchen and dining room are glatt kosher under supervision of the Hartford Kashrut Commission.
Our schedule will highlight the many facets of Jewish agricultural wisdom, uplift the diverse stories of Jewish farmers past and present and leave room for lots of structured and unstructured shmoozing (socializing).. Past session topics have included ancestral livestock ethics, Jewish food justice, the Torah of trees, and Jewish farm economics.
More information about this year's conference is coming soon, including:
Full conference schedule
Teacher Bios
Travel information
Details on our pre-conference schitah (kosher slaughter) intensive​​
Why an application?
Jewish Farmer Network was founded to fill a void. There was no space in the Jewish community for farmers and no space in the farming community for Jews. JFN is focused on providing resources and content that sit firmly at the intersection of Judaism and agriculture while providing community building opportunities to Jewish agrarians. We are proud to be the ONLY organization serving Jewish farmers.
While our resources and online classes are open to anyone from academics to proud parents of farmers, our upcoming in-person conference will be a little bit different. Due to limited space at our venue, and in an effort to stay true to our mission and purpose, we are taking conscious steps to prioritize farmers’ access to this event. While our definition of “farmer” includes growers of all scales - from shepherds of thousand head sheep operations, to intrepid urban farmers, to stewards of three acre homesteads, it might not include proud CSA subscribers or those growing tomatoes on their apartment balcony. Working Jewish farmers have limited access to relevant Jewish learning and affirming, accessible Jewish community and we owe it to them to hold the container they deserve.
If you are not a farmer, but you love farmers and love the idea of Jewish farmers getting together, please help us make this event as abundant and accessible as possible by donating!
We also know the question of who is or isn't a farmer is both expansive and even fraught. Some of you might carry the weight of imposter syndrome around, wondering if you are “farmer enough” to qualify. This question can be influenced by conventions of race, class, gender, sexuality, land access, and ability. With that in mind, we want to affirm that if you feel yourself to be a farmer (even and perhaps especially if you have felt gate kept from this identity) we encourage you to apply.
With all of that in mind, we are so excited to invite you to apply to attend our IN PERSON conference in December of 2024. We kept the application as short as we could. Applicants will be notified of their application status by the end of June, at which point, registration will be open. ​​​​​
Note About COVID-19: We strongly encourage all conference attendees to follow CDC current guidance for COVID-19 vaccination. While no longer required, face masks help prevent the spread of disease. Some participants will choose to wear masks to protect the health of themselves and those around them. We expect everyone to respect the decisions of all conference attendees. We have free masks available at the registration desk. We expect to re-evaluate this policy with health professionals as we get closer to the conference.
(Some language borrowed from our friends at Tilth Alliance).